The lying iPhoneX and half-lying iPhone 8 Plus

Last Wednesday was an extremely gloomy day in Hong Kong with a strong monsoon hovering us these past few days. Our office has a stunning view of the eastern harbour, it was extremely dark, but guess what- iPhone 7 took the most realistic (closest to what the naked eye can see) capture:

Taking a pic of the gloomy eastern harbour in Hong Kong, via iPhone 7,  iPhone 8 plus, and an iPhoneXR:

iPhone7 (closest to the eye)
iPhone 8 plus (it slightly lightens the picture)
iPhone XR (it lightens the picture)

The iPhone 7 took the closest-looking picture (though not as dark as the actual eye can see) but in this instance you can see how by default, the newer iPhone cameras don’t really tell you the truth. Well, it’s good for ladies’ selfies, other than that, the newer iPhones tend to significantly lighten up dark scenes.